Wise.NET free MYOB to Xero conversion offer Congratulations on making the decision to move to Xero. To minimise any business interruption, we create an exact mirror image of your Australian MYOB accounting data. It means you can continue in Xero where you left off without missing a beat. Thanks to the sponsorship by Xero and wise.NET, the conversion is free for you. You will just pay us for the monthly subscription ($50 for up to 5 employees). Your conversion is usually completed in 3 business days.File uploadContact Name*Who to contact about this file.Contact Phone*What is the best number to get you on.Contact Email*What is your email address.CompanyMessagePlease briefly describe your conversion request.Option 1: Upload your fileThe file must be less than 2047MB. If the file is bigger, please upload to the cloud first, and provide the link. We suggest you zip or rar the file to reduce file size, and hence time to upload. Also, if you get error "The uploaded file type is not allowed." then try to use a zip file.Accepted file types: myox, myo, zip, pdf, bk5, rar, qbw, qbb, qbm, Max. file size: 2 GB.Option 2: Provide a link to your fileUse this option if you have already uploaded the file into the cloud, such as Dropbox or GoogleDrive. Ensure the link is readable. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ